The Boyfriend Is No More
Last Friday The Fiance called to see if I wanted to leave after work and just drive for the weekend. We didn't have a plan, or even a route for that matter. We headed South on 55 and decided to turn off at Pevely. Somewhere, we're not sure exactly where, we stopped at a church carnival - you know, deathtrap rides operated by drunk/high roadies. We got on "The Swinger" and he asked if I'd marry him right as the swings started. I do want to mention that his voice was about two octaves higher than usual, and only got higher as I sought clarity. I was confused about what he was saying and asked, "what?!?" immediately following his proposal. I quickly understood the fear in his eyes and said yes.
Here are some photos from the trip:

We ate lunch on the second day of our trip at this cafe. The sign made us giggle. Who makes the sandwiches? Hos

I fear for this town in case of fire.
This is where we stayed on Saturday night. It sits on a hill overlooking an equine facility and the wooded rolling hills of Eminence, MO. Of eleven rooms, we were the only people staying here...not even the owner was there! She told us a group of cowboys had checked out that day...that could have been a rowdy night!
The front porch of the lodge...really, it was the biggest selling point.
The Fiance in our room - it was "Gone With the Wind" inspired...this was by far the largest concentration of crushed velvet I had ever seen.
Timmy the Turtle - We stopped so The Fiance could get him off the highway. Sadly, I'm sure the 97 other turtles on the road may not have made it...although they do move much faster than I expected.
Congratulations! He's been hinting about it for a while ;-) so I'm glad to hear the news!
Oops, that comment wasn't supposed to post yet!
MaryP and I just got hitched yesterday, after nine years of living together. "Once bitten, twice shy" would be a partial explanation for the delay! But everything went well and we're happy happy.
You did fool me for a minute — I was surprised to think that you were breaking up, because it seems to be a good relationship. I'm glad the news is glad, not sad!
Thanks m. - I knew you wouldn't be that surprised.
Stephen - congratulations on your gettin' hitched. I knew it was coming from your blog. I think 9 years is enough to figure out if it's right. :)
Is there any better word than "congratulations" to commemorate the special occasion? how about Awesome! or Groovy? I feel bad that I've been lax about checking your blog and so I just found out today! I'm so happy for you two. You seem to have a great partnership.
that's really no surprise...but the turtle...I'd never pegged you guys for the kinky type
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