The Boyfriend and I are in Seattle and it's glorious. Ok, it's rainy...but rainy in Seattle seems somewhat better than sunny in St. Louis.
I walked four blocks in the rain and I became overheated. You see, it may be rainy, but I'm not freezing my ass off. The air smells clean, the people are friendly (and walking/riding bikes)...and there are beautiful oceans of recycling bins on every corner, of every building, in every store.
Plus, my partner in crime and her husband, Liz and David, have been generous enough to have us as guests and do all the touristy things that I secretly delight in. Pike Market, Space Needle...and if the weather were better, Mt. Rainier. This is the Boyfriend's first time and I suppose I'll do all those things again so he can experience them (yipee!).
Alright, so a little sun couldn't hurt.
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