A Kitten for your Thought?
Yeah, that title was lame, but anything else would have involved me being a crazy cat lady or a

So it's very important to know, especially for me, that the saga of "fixing" the feral cat colony in our neighborhood could be coming to a close within the month. Why is this important? Let me tell you:
- It's important to me so that I can stop trapping kittens and trying to find places to put them.
- It's important so that I can stop having wild animals in my car en route to the vet.
- I long for a time that I don't feel like I'm torturing animals by making them ride in my car.
- I am desperate to not think about little tinies (kittens) hiding in the chassis or wheel wells of cars and getting driven to death.
- Even though me and The Husband (that might be the first time I've used his new name on my blog. If things go as we both expect there shouldn't be any sort of name change for, oh,
I don't know, the REST OF OUR LIVES!) don't mind using our hard-earned money to pay vet bills on stray animals, it would be really nice to not do that. Note: The people at Yorkshire Animal Hospital have been rock stars and seem to be giving me a deal. Either they think I'm crazy and unstable, they feel sorry for me and my parade of hissing beasts, or they believe in what I'm doing. Based on their online reviews, the largest complaint being that it's too hard to get an appointment because of the volume of rescue animals they treat, I believe the last.

And here comes the Cat Killer, we'll call him CK. He is someone that I will not hand the kitten to. He was charged several years ago with drowning a large number, around ten, cats and kittens. He's kind of weird and has lots of strange activities going on as of late. Some might call them manic activities - oh, and there was an elderly lady that fell down his steps, and an ambulance a couple nights later. Just weird and random stuff.
So he comes out and wants to help. Says the kittens are living in his garage (we already knew that and we hoped he didn't). He also says that his sister's mastiff had killed one of the four kittens that morning. He alleges that he's been feeding them and that he'll keep the dog away.
I'm getting bored with this post and need to wrap it up. If I'm bored I can't imagine how you're feeling right now.
Ok, so I tell him I'll get the kittens and their mother in a couple weeks. The momma cat comes out of the garage and walks over to us. I put her kitten down and they saunter away together. That little tiny thing was the cutest thing EVER - besides it's half brother Nova that lives in our house that was rescued under similar circumstances two years ago, but at 2-3 weeks old (seems appropriate to post photos of him, two are when we first found him and the last is recent. I swear I didn't put him in my purse - I found him there napping a couple months after he moved in.).